Step 1 |
nov 04 |
record form 2004: update |
Step 2 |
dec 04 |
record form 2004: emission |
sheet A to D |
Step 3 |
15.09.2005 |
record form 2004: response |
Step 4 |
record form 2004: evaluation |
summary, tables,
Cardiac Catheter
Interventions - European Statistics - ESC WG10 - AUSTRIA 2004 |
Step 5 |
25./26.11.2005 |
monitor report 2004: presentation in Salzburg |
slides and diagramms |
Step 6 |
sampling |
visits from the supervisor |
From 14.-22. July 2005 Klagenfurt, Graz, Wien, Linz, Salzburg and November 2004 Feldkirch and Salzburg
and Graz November 2005
Actual List of Monitorvisites/audit 2004/2005 |
Step 7 |
29.11.2005 |
record form for 2005: update |