step 1 |
nov 03 |
record form 2003: update |
step 2 |
dec 03 |
record form 2003: emission |
sheet A to D |
step 3 |
july 04 |
record form 2003: response |
100% |
step 4 |
aug 04 |
record form 2003: evaluation |
summary, tables |
step 5 |
nov 04 |
monitor report 2003: presentation |
slides and diagramms |
step 6 |
sampling |
visits from the supervisor |
nov 17th 04 Feldkirch nov 26th 04 LKH Salzburg nov 26th 04 Dr. Heyer Salzburg |
step 7 |
Dez 04 |
record form for 2004: update |